2012 interview on We Act Radio, which may have gotten them kicked off TV?

2012 interview on We Act Radio, which may have gotten them kicked off TV?

In 2012, I joined Kymone Freeman and Ron Pinchback on We Act Radio for a fiery discussion on DC Councilman Jack Evans’s shady dealings and the Washington Post’s unwillingness to cover them.

This was to be the show’s inaugural airing on DC Cable, as the writeup for the show indicated: “Today on the first televised edition of SPEAKeasy goHARD…” But after our interview, We Act recently noted on Facebook, “our televised program was dropped by DC Office of Cable Television.” And three years ago, Freeman wrote, “FYI our Office of Cable TV produced show was promptly dropped after this program was recorded + was never televised.”

As I recently wrote on Twitter: “7 years later I wanna say to @WeActRadio… Sorry for the trouble I caused by coming on. I hope there aren’t repercussions for having me back on. And most importantly: thanks for the important community voice We Act continues to provide.”

‎"White public officials have a doctorate on doing evil while Blacks just have GEDs" -The Washington Informer The longest sitting DC Councilman Jack Evan's allegations of conflict of interest + possible corruption are exposed as selective investigations + prosecutions pluck black officials who don't meet the approval of the Wash Post.

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